The ChatterKoi PhotoShow has become a rather popular event over the past few years - this year will hopefully continue the theme.
Who/what is ChatterKoi? ChatterKoi is one of the last remaining 'old school' internet koi forums. Before social media took off, koi forums were the hub of all online koi chat, but with the emergence of Facebook groups, they started to disappear rapidly. ChatterKoi was created to keep the forum scene alive, inviting hobbyists and dealers to share knowledge, stories and experiences whilst encouraging a sense of humour. They have since started a sister Facebook group to appeal to those that like the ease and immediacy of social media, whilst still supporting the outreach of the forum. You can check out both here:
FaceBook Group

The forum's founder Dean Dimarco (Dixiedean), started the photo show back in 2015 - it was a great success. This 'no strings attached' event encourages newcomers to trial the show scene. "This show has always been about the grassroots hobbyists," as Dean puts it. Anyone can enter, and all done from the comfort of your own home!
A photo show doesn't mean you miss out on awards! Dean and the team go to great lengths to ensure this show is worth your entry. There are even trophies and an awards event! This year the awards presentation will be held at Warwickshire Koi on 25th June, including a BBQ and refreshments and a chance to have a nosey around. As with standard koi shows the awards feature: 'major awards' and also 1st, 2nd and 3rd in size and class. In the typical ChatterKoi style, they have numerous special awards that they dream up just for fun, such as Best Mancave and Best Minger - why not!
A photo show is an opportunity to get involved with a koi show without the need to transport your koi. Spend some time getting a shot of the koi you wish to enter, bench them online and pop along to the awards ceremony to hear the results - what have you got to lose!
2020 Grand Champion
Andy Baker

Check out who else won in 2020, the last time the show was held here:

How Do I Enter - I hear you ask!
In order to enter your koi, if you are not already, you must first be a registered member of the ChatterKoi Facebook Group. Please visit:
Next, in order to bench your koi, you need to create a username and password on the following website:
After registration, another page will appear but DO NOT click the Paypal option as you must send the money to a different account. Choose a vat size (any will do), and then bench your koi by uploading their pictures and filling in the relevant details. You may enter a maximum of 10 koi, and the fee is £15.00. Being a non-profit event donations are very welcome and help cover the cost of awards and the presentation day itself.
Payments can be made to: http://paypal.me/deanocakey
(please use family and friends). Some Rules
You must be a registered Chatterkoi Facebook Group Member
You cannot enter a koi that has won a major award at any koi show previously (unless it is now in a different size category).
Koi Dealers are not permitted to enter.
The Koi must be your own.
Koi pictures must not be photoshopped (the judges have a keen eye for this)
Any photo deemed too poor to judge the koi from will be disqualified.
The closing date is 8th May.
ChatterKoi Tips on photographing can be found here:
https://www.chatterkoi.uk/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=5316 A full list of the ChatterKoi show classifications can be found here: https://www.chatterkoi.uk/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=5313
Good Luck
- I'll see you at the awards presentation!