It’s that time of the year again and Volume Seven of ‘Nishikigoi Yearbook’ is now on sale!
Many of you may already be familiar with the publication, but for those that aren’t, there is always a copy of this on my desk.
Nowadays, the printed word in the koi hobby is a rare thing, the ’koi mags’ of old have long gone and the Nishikigoi Yearbook is the last remaining printed publication of it‘s class.
As much as the internet can be a wonderful tool for the koi hobbyist it can also be a minefield for irrelevant and frankly absurd information. This leaves many hobbyists confused and in some cases disheartened, unable to find information that will be of benefit to their hobby and koi.
“Nishikigoi Yearbook hopes to help initiate a change for the better – 100 pages of serious, totally Koi focused material. With more than 75 of these high quality pages dedicated to serious Koi information, all produced by some of the most experienced and committed Koi enthusiasts anywhere in the Koi world.
We don’t claim to be the solution to all the problems in the Koi industry – but genuinely hope to be part of a much needed renaissance, in what is the very best hobby on the planet – join us and see if you agree!”
- from the Nishikigoi Yearbook website
I mean with a blurb like that, you’d be silly not to buy a copy!
It‘s great value for money at £10 and not only are you purchasing an interesting read but you’re also supporting a great asset to the hobby!
You can purchase a copy directly from here:
Or alternatively you can ask your local koi dealer - most carry it in stock!