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UK Koi Shows 2022

It's a new year and one where we can hopefully return to some form of normality!

I've actually been in 'hibernation' trying to recover from a bout of illness that has really knocked me sideways. Not being in the best headspace something that really cheered me up was seeing how many UK Koi Shows are confirmed for 2022. Last year I saw first hand the amount of hard work and dedication that goes into putting on even the smallest of 'koi events.' To see so many committed enthusiasts already getting stuck-in to ensure 2022 has a show calendar to remember, is very exciting indeed!

Get the dates in your diary!

So far confirmed shows include:

The All England Young Koi Show - 30th April/1st May

The BKKS National Koi Show - 2nd & 3rd July

The Crouch Valley Koi Section Show - 6th & 7th August

The North of England Koi Show - 13th & 14th August

The Great British Koi Show - 27th & 28th August

Mid Staffs Koi Show - 17th & 18th September

The All England Koi Show - 24th & 25th September

The Birmingham & West Midlands Koi Show - 1st & 2nd October

*Chatter Koi Photo Show - Awards Presentation 25th June

*more to be added as details arrive

Hopefully these koi shows won't be further affected by the pandemic and attempts can be made to get attendance back to normal levels, or dare we say, exceeding normal levels! But where to start? Most of you probably think (and quite rightly) "yeah, but I'm not a show organiser or a club chairman, what can I do?" Well, you can still make a positive impact by simply telling people about these shows. I think it's safe to assume that most people who keep koi (the wider hobby), won't have a clue what a koi show even is! That might sound like blasphemy to long standing show organisers, but it's true...

Show organisers, exhibitors and supporters alike would probably get a very useful perspective if they put on 'newcomer glasses.' How would a newbie or the wider hobby view the shows, the advertising, the interactions on social media, the way different shows interact with one another? Furthermore, how might we use those insights to our advantage... food for thought.

For now, us average Joe’s can download the show posters (below) and share them on social media or anywhere that might be useful. Can we reach those people that don’t know what koi shows are and tell them what's good about them? Yes, shows aren't for everyone and yes improvements can definitely be made, but if we get new people attending, they may just get involved themselves. Tell them about the social aspect of shows, the special offers, the chance to see excellent quality koi, to see jumbo koi, the opportunity to meet fellow enthusiasts, ask dealers and manufactures questions and quiz other hobbyists for advice - the list goes on...

Koi shows (at their best) are a public demonstration of how fantastic this hobby is and any show organisers worth their salt should be championing this above all else. Let's have faith they are and meanwhile do what we can to show support and get people there. The earlier we start the better!

Anyway, I for one am really looking forward to the 'comeback' of all UK shows, big and small, I look forward to meeting old and new faces and I can't wait to get the camera out! Below are all the Show Posters available so far, download and share them - I double dares ya!

Links for more info...

All England/ All England Young -

Birmingham Show -


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